sábado, 2 de outubro de 2010

One Week

One Week is a Canadian movie about Ben, a guy who has always settle for everything in his life and now discovers he has stage 4 cancer.

I know, the plot is a little cliché, but the way it was put together it’s not. The narrador, which kinda reminds me of Le Fabuleux Destin d’Amélie Poulain except that I like One Week’s narrator better because he is nicer and doesn’t speak so fast, bring us a lot closer to Ben; telling us his past, his thoughts and how he affected other people lives. Thanks to him I felt like Ben was my brother, or my best friend, which made the whole experience much more personal and emotinal.

Emotinal, that describes really well what this movie meant to me. It touched some wounds, I related to Ben’s feelings lots of times. It made me think about MY life, it was a great therapy session (at points  I’d cry and didn’t even know if I was crying about me or Ben anymore). 

To make things even better, the movie has LOTS of beautiful Canadian views, some quite unexpected and others that just makes you gasp.

I liked the soundtrack too. Think it matched the movie perfectly, bringing so much life to each scene.

Definitely worth watching!

To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield.

Ps: favorite scene, Ben awkwardly dancing on the side of the road. So sweet.

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