sexta-feira, 18 de fevereiro de 2011

You know you're watching Fringe way too much when...

  1. Your guesses on what's gonna happen next on the show are right 98% of the time.
  2. You much rather stay in and watch a new episode of Fringe than go out.
  3. During a lecture the teacher drinks some water and you truly expect him to start shivering, colapse and  then explode.
  4. You realize you're actually disappointed none of the above happened, the teacher is fine.
  5. You truly believed, even if just for a moment, that ZFT were behind the suine flu.
  6. You watch carefully for bizarre things while walking on the street, hoping something will happen and can you say 'Welcome to the Fringe Division'
  7. You think about how is your life in the alternative universe.
  8. You have got to the conclusion that your life in alternative universe is awesome, the alternative you did all the things you failed to.
  9. You are already making lots of crazy assumptions when the observer says (on 2.16) 'It's not theories, it's entertainment ' and you realize he's talking to you.
  10. You acknowledge the fact that you are completely addicted might be a bit obsessed with the show, but you just don't care. It's worth it. 
Feel free add some more itens to the list if you think I forgot something. =)

Note: the list above was written from personal experience.

terça-feira, 15 de fevereiro de 2011


I was so blown away by this movie.

Brothers is about this two extremely different brothers (duh!) and how their lives and relationship are affected after Sam (the 'good' brother) goes to Afghanistan and Tommy (the 'bad' brother) is left with his family.

There's so much I really liked about this movie. First, the relationship between Sam and Tommy, I love how united they are despite of being so different and of how the family feels about Tommy. Second, I love how intense it is. There is a lot of tension and all the acting is so incredible that, even from outside the screen, we can, not only feel the tension, but almost touch it.

It's not a movie about war, but it's kind of hard to watch it and not wonder how much war really affects the people who lived through it.

I need to mention the acting again, because it's just so good! Jake, Natalie, the kids (the kids are amazing. Specially on the tension scenes), everyone is so incredible (must mention the guy who goes to war with Sam). But Tobey, oh my! Tobey just takes the movie to a whole new level. I've never seen him like this. I didn't even know he could be this dark and intense. It's just sad that he didn't get the appreciation he deserved, he deserved at least more award nominations.

Now that I come to think about it, not just Tobey was underappreciated, but the movie in a whole. It makes me so sad that good movies are left  to the dust, while crappy ones become huge.

It's a great movie. Definitely worthy of your time. And if I had to describe it in only one word, INTENSE would be it.

sábado, 12 de fevereiro de 2011

Nanny Mcphee and The Big Bang

Finally watched Nanny Mcphee 2! =)

I'm not a fan of sequels, somehow they always end up being dissapointing. Specially if the first one it's very good. Still, despiste of being a completely skeptic about sequels, I was really excited about Nanny Mcphee 2. I mean, you can't get it wrong with her, right?!

RIGHT!!! I've got to say, I wasn't disappointed at all. The second one it's definitely on the same level as the first one. It's charming, lovely, funny. It will win your heart just like the first one did.

Another thing that bothers me a lot on sequels is when they change the characters (or worse, they keep the characters, but change the actors. I don't even watch it when they do that), and I was feeling a little abandoned because it's a different family, different kids, but they managed to tie the knot between the two movies amazingly well. I got so happy when a familiar character 'appeared'. It felt like seeing a beloved friend after a long time apart. I was thrilled!

The kids on this one are just as amazing. Maggie Gyllenhaal it's lovelly as the mom and Emma Thompson, well, Emma Thompson is Nanny Mcphee, do I need to say more? And Maggie Smith, gotta love her character! Ralph Fiennes and Ewan McGregor are just a bonus. =)

Great acting, great photography, great everything!  And on top of that, it's quite inspiring too.

Take a leap of faith and feel it in your bones.

quinta-feira, 10 de fevereiro de 2011

Welcome to the Fringe Division

I know this is a movie blog, but this is also a blog about things I love. So I decided to change things a bit and today I'm not writing about movies, I'm writing about a TV show. Fringe.

I'm a Fringe Junkie.

I'm absolutely crazy about it. I love Walter, I love Pete, (actually, at the moment I'm not on very good terms with Peter, but still), I love Astrid and I even love Gene (the cow). I love that it is a sci-fi show, but it has personal relationships. I love Walter & Pete's relationship. In fact, I liked it better when they were focusing a bit more on them, now they are too caugh up in Peter-Olivia-(and possibly)Fauxlivia. I'm not a fan of drama and I'm definitely not a fan of love triangles.

To me Fringe is by far the best TV show on air right now. That's probably because it has everything I love: mistery, action, sci-fi, a lovely crazy scientist and Joshua Jackson.

Since I mentioned Joshua, I must take a minute to say how incredibly awesome John Noble is. For real! Just watch Walter and Walternative and you'll see what I mean. I can't describe how good he is on this show.
Anna Torv is pretty amazing too. We have the best cast ever. =P

I'm posting two quotes from the show that I really like. Both are about the same thing, déjà vu. One was said by Walter (the genious, but a bit crazy scientist) and the other by Peter (the smart, skeptic son).

There you go:

Déjà vu is--is--is simply a - a momentary glimpse to the other side. Almost everyone experiences it. We feel that we've been somewhere before because actually we have - in another reality. It's another path. The road not taken.

- Walter Bishop

I read that déjà vu is fate's way of telling you that you are exactly where you are supposed to be. That's why you feel like you've been there before. You are right in line with your own destiny. It's a bit mystical for my taste.

- Peter Bishop

I like both, although I do prefer Pete's version, it's kinda magic (you all know I love this kinda stuff, right? ). Ironicly that's the same reason why he doesn't believe on it. haha

If you don't watch Fringe you have no idea how much you're missing. Catch up with seasons 1 and 2 and start watching it RIGHT NOW.  Season 3 will rock your world. ;)

Warning: be prepared for more Fringe related posts. You better watch it, or you might feel a little lost. =)