sexta-feira, 18 de fevereiro de 2011

You know you're watching Fringe way too much when...

  1. Your guesses on what's gonna happen next on the show are right 98% of the time.
  2. You much rather stay in and watch a new episode of Fringe than go out.
  3. During a lecture the teacher drinks some water and you truly expect him to start shivering, colapse and  then explode.
  4. You realize you're actually disappointed none of the above happened, the teacher is fine.
  5. You truly believed, even if just for a moment, that ZFT were behind the suine flu.
  6. You watch carefully for bizarre things while walking on the street, hoping something will happen and can you say 'Welcome to the Fringe Division'
  7. You think about how is your life in the alternative universe.
  8. You have got to the conclusion that your life in alternative universe is awesome, the alternative you did all the things you failed to.
  9. You are already making lots of crazy assumptions when the observer says (on 2.16) 'It's not theories, it's entertainment ' and you realize he's talking to you.
  10. You acknowledge the fact that you are completely addicted might be a bit obsessed with the show, but you just don't care. It's worth it. 
Feel free add some more itens to the list if you think I forgot something. =)

Note: the list above was written from personal experience.

Um comentário:

  1. Oi Paulinha!
    Eu tô totalmente viciada em Fringe!!!
    O Walter me diverte TANTO. E a Olivia e o ai...adoro.
