quarta-feira, 30 de março de 2011


I usually write about movies I like, but recently I've watched two that I DISliked so much I had to share. Are you prepared? Here I go.


Don't be fooled by the poster (which is better than the movie itself).  Disliked this movie so much that I couldn't stop thinking about it. Basically the storyline is these 3 friends who get stuck at the chairlift and are left there to freeze to death. The thing is, the 3 of them have the most idioticts ideas of how to get out of there ( I could think of 3 or 4 ways more racional and efficient than theirs). And then there're the wolves. I got so horrified by one of the wolves scenes that I may be traumatized for life (visually the scene is not that bad, it was the concept that got to me). There's also a moment when the movie gets too emotional for my taste, it just made the whole experience more painful. To me it ended up being really frustrating (painful at times) and I hosnetly wish I hadn't watched it.

Titanic 2

Ok, let me start by saying that I'm not a fan of Titanic so I have no idea why the heck I thought I should watch the number 2. 'Oh, it's sunday. I have nothing better to do and it's on.' Silly me. Possibly the worst decision I've ever made. I hate being mean, but this movie begs me to be. It's just dreadful. From minute one to minute 586245842 (that's how long it felt). And I kept hoping it would get better at some point, because seriously it couldn't get worse, right? Wrong! It got worse with every second. Geez. Every single thing about it is bad. The acting is just painful to watch and the effects are ridiculous - by the way, that's a good word to also describe the acting and the movie in a whole. This movie it's just... ARGHHHHH! Oh, dear Lord. I don't even have a word that express who horrible/bad/dreadful this movie is. I'm writing this as an advice, DON'T WATCH IT.  It truly is the worst movie I've ever seen and it makes me sad to think that people actually waste money doing c*ap like this when there's so many good movies with no fund. I desperately want those 2  hours of my life back.

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